* To comprehend and express the meaning of short functional and simple monolog essay texts in the form of recount text, narrative, and procedure that have contextual in habitual activities to access knowledge
Basic Competency :
* To respond and express the meaning within simple monolog texts that uses the variety of writing accurately, fluently, and used in habitual activities to accesss knowledge in recount text
Indicators :
After having finished the lesson, the students will be expected to able to:
* understand the concept of recount text
* identify the main idea of the text
* identify the series of events of recount text
The generic structures of recount text are :
* Orientation ( it gives the readers the background information needed to understand the text such as who was involved, where it happened, when it happened)
* Events (a series of events, ordered in a chronological sequence)
* Re-orientation (restates the writer’s opinion or personal comment of the writer on the incident
The significant Lexicogrammatical features :
◦ Use of simple past tense
◦ Use of temporal conjunctions (when, after, before, next, later, then)
◦ Use of personal pronoun (I, we)
Purpose: The purpose of a recount is to retell events.
The prefix re means again. So to recount is to state again.
Structure: There is often an opening or setting a of a scene. E.g. I went to the park.
The events in a recount are often in the order that they happen (Chronological order):
I went to the park and I saw a pond. The pond had ducks sitting at the side of it.
A recount will often have a closing statement. E.g. I left the park and went home.
Language features: Recounts are written in the past tense.
They can be written in the first or the third person
1st person It is happening to the person writing the recount i.e. I went to the park.
3rd person. An observer is telling it. Tom went to the park, there he saw a pond.
The connectives in a recount are often: Next, then, after that.
Recounts focus on what an individual or a group of people were doing.
The following are examples of recounts.
Today we are going to remind you of the non-fiction types of text.
This session is only an introduction to recounts and how to tell a recount from other types of text
There are six main types of non-fiction text:
Recount, Instructions, Persuasion,
Discussion, Explanation and Non-chronological reports.
Each of these types as its own purpose, structure and language features.
By knowing these text types you will be able to read and learn to write in these styles.
Today we will look at the purpose, structure and language features of Recounts
Here are three non-fiction texts. Can you tell which of these is a recount?
Text 1.
Making an omelette.
2 eggs
25g of oil
250 milk
Frying pan
Take the pan and put in the oil. Heat the oil until it is hot.
Break the eggs into a bowl and add the milk.
Beat the eggs and milk together and when mixed thoroughly, add to the frying pan.
Fry until the omlette in brown on one side and then turn it over in the pan.
When cooked remove from the pan and serve with a garnish of parsley.
Text 2
In the summer the amount of daylight that we get is more than we get in winter.
This is not because as some people think we are closer to the sun but because of the tilt of the Earth.
The Earth is actually closer to the sun in winter than it is in the summer but you would be forgiven for thinking that this can not be true after looking out of your window on a cold and frosty morning. It seems strange that as the earth gets closer to the Sun during its orbit then in the amount of daylight that we get decreases. But that is the case. It is the tilt of the Earth that determine the amount of daylight that we get and so the length of time that for us the sun is above the horizon.
Text 3
My mother got me ready for school then I had to wait for her to brush my hair and place every strand in just the perfect position. I had to show her my shoes that I had cleaned the night before and my school bag had to be neatly put on my shoulder before I could get near the door. Only after my mother was totally satisfied would I be allowed to rush out of the front door.
I would leave home at 8 am on the dot and make my way down the lane. After a walk of about 700 metres I would be able to see the tall steeple of the school.
The playground would be full in the summer and the noise would make me want to rush into the yard and get into a good game of football before the bell went.
* Recount text is a text that is used to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining.
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